Optimising Digital Marketing With Artificial Intelligence

Did you know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) was first introduced in the 1950s when computers first began remembering things? Compared to the past, the role of AI has grown tremendously over the years. According to the 2022 McKinsey report, at least 50% of companies have adopted AI in at least one of their business areas, with its peak at 58% in 2019. In fact, one of the largest reported revenue effects is AI Marketing so let’s dive right into the topic! 

The Chatbot That Started It All - ChatGPT 

We are all aware of ChatGPT by now and may have even used it in our daily lives. Have I used it in this blog post? Maybe. ChatGPT is estimated to have more than 100 million active users and in June 2023 alone, the website has generated 1.6 billion visits. Although previous AI models could have had the same outputs, ChatGPT offers quality that is on par with an average human. Today, it is evident how AI has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, including its integration into platforms such as Snapchat, Gmail, Photoshop and more.

Future Tools - AI Trends in Marketing 2023

Let’s take a look at the current AI trends in marketing and how they’re changing the way we see our chatbot companions. 

1. Increased Focus On Algorithmic Personalisation

With the help of predictive analytics and algorithms, marketers are able to split customers into different segments and target them based on their consumption patterns. This allows marketers to track behaviour and formulate effective strategies in order to retain customers and build brand loyalty. Personalised marketing additionally enables marketers to monitor consumers along their customer journey and ensure consistent messaging across various social media channels.

2. Revolutionising Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) Marketing

AI has brought about a critical transformation in the CGI field as well. Technologies such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have ushered in AI-powered design, producing hyper-realistic images and animations that would have been both time-consuming and costly to produce through manual methods. We’ve seen numerous CGI campaigns come to life with the likes of Jacquemus and Maybelline hopping on the trend. This is slowly altering the way we produce marketing campaigns and I’m sure we’ll see a lot more of these campaigns in the near future.  

 3. Enabling Conversation with Interactive Marketing

The Global State of Conversational Commerce 2023 report finds that customers are conversing with brands and engaging in materials via SMS and email marketing. 88% of global consumers would strike up a conversation to learn more about a product. In fact, shoppers are proactive and would reach out to brands to discover sales and new products. Investment in AI technology such as chatbots that operate 24 hours and allow instant assistance will enable growth exponentially and impact conversion rates because we, as humans, love to connect! Even if it’s with a robot!

 4. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) with AI

SEO is essential in digital marketing because it helps boost your website ranking and brand reputation. The more relevant your content is, the higher your website ranking is in search engine results and the more traffic and opportunities to convert prospective customers arise. AI can improve user experience by providing user behaviour analysis and delivering relevant, optimised, personalised content with identification of current trends.  

 5. Reinventing Consumer Research with AI

It's widely believed that AI will take over some jobs in the next 10 years. According to Qualtrics, AI is most likely to make support and pure analysis jobs redundant. Is this why you’re reading this article? Because you’re worried? Fret not, AI can be a friend! AI comes in handy with mundane tasks like data cleaning, programming a survey, email correspondence and more. 

AI can also be more efficient for tasks such as processing large amounts of structured or unstructured data which includes consumer sentiments- social media posts, reviews and customer feedback. AI can also track consumer trends, patterns, behaviours and even predict/forecast trends. An example would be the following CCTV footage of a coffeeshop tracking productivity of consumers and how much time consumers are spending in the shop.

This is a unique way to conduct consumer research but is it crossing the line? Some are left questioning if this type of AI implementation is ethical or not. What do you think? 

AI Implementation at TwentyTwo Digital

We believe that businesses should tap into new technologies to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape. As a digital marketing agency, we are often looking for ways to utilise AI in our daily tasks to increase efficiency. TwentyTwo Digital is avidly supporting clients in small and large companies to enhance marketing with advanced email automation and creating eye-catching designs fuelled by generative tools.

Get In Touch

If you’d like to keep up with all things digital, follow us on Instagram for all the latest updates. Plus, if you’re looking to stay informed about next year’s trends, keep an eye on our socials for the release of our much anticipated 2024 Trends Predictions eBook! 

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