

There’s an app for that (thanks to us!).

[aka] go mobile with your business.

Ensuring your app is performing optimally is essential in the era of ever-evolving technology.

Customer satisfaction revolves around the user experience, so consistent app maintenance to tackle bugs, glitches, and integrate new features is a must.

At TwentyTwo, we are analytics obsessed and are dedicated to maintaining and enhancing your app.

With app usage continuing to increase, why not take advantage of an app's ability to increase sales and further your customer journey.

Leave the designing, formulating and building of the app to us! From the decisions of app content and the best-suited building platforms, our specialised app developers streamline the process to develop the perfect app that fits your customer needs.

With apps covering virtually every need, it is crucial to strategise how yours can stand out. Elevating your app through diverse promotional tactics is vital for achieving success. 

Here at TwentyTwo, we work to ensure your app gains the attention it deserves. From leveraging paid media, in app-advertising to organic content, we can tailor the strategy to get those downloads. 

Want to learn more? Give us a buzz!


Want to know what we actually do?

Information Architecture

We start at the very beginning to ensure ultimate success for your app. Our team considers the app’s functionality and structure, exploring all possible screen paths, function, features and more.

App Design & Development

Visuals are #1 in engaging your audience and allowing for optimised accessibility. Our designs are informed by a range of requirements, including brand guidelines and user interface best practices.

Then, once the app has a face, it’s time to build! Our developers follow best practices when it comes to building, testing and publishing, so you can rest assured your app will stand the test of time. 

Quality Assurance (QA) & Launch

We employ rigorous quality assurance practices to check for any bugs or last minute fixes, then help you promote your brand new app with a custom launch strategy. We will also ensure all relevant app tracking is set up and firing so you can gain valuable insights from your users. 

Book in a discovery call with our team!